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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Differences Are Important

"When you say there is no difference between men and women, you hurt, more than anyone, women," laments Kevin DeYoung in his recent message at the NEXT Conference, "Who Am I? Humanity in the Eyes of the World and the Christian."

Kevin spent fifteen minutes of his hour-long talk contrasting God's view of gender with the cultural view that there is no difference between men and women, and the accompanying dangers of such faulty thinking. "I hope you see how patently unbiblical this is" he said. "God made them, in the beginning, male and female. And we see already in Genesis, before The Fall, that there were distinct yet complementary roles for men and women."

The entire message is packed full of biblical insight, clear cultural analysis, and humor. We highly recommend you listen and learn.

(And for all of you moms with young kids, don't despair for want of an hour. Break it into seven ten-minute segments and you'll be finished by the end of the week!)


View the original article here

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